If you have questions about our cleaning services, browse our FAQ to get the answers you need. We’ve compiled several of the questions we are asked most often for your convenience.
Areas that get average to below average use should be cleaned once a year. Heavy-use areas might need to be cleaned twice a year. If you smoke indoors, it’s best to have your carpets professionally cleaned up to three or four times a year.
Grout is very porous, meaning it absorbs discolouration and grime. When you mop, some of the dirt gets shoved into the grout lines and results in staining over time. These stains are almost impossible to remove. While you can use something like household bleach to whiten the grout, it won’t remove the stains. We have heavy-duty cleaning agents and scrubbers that help lift the dirt out of your grout. We also provide sealants that will make it easier to keep clean in the future.
There are many benefits to hiring a professional carpet cleaner. Carpets, in particular, hang onto allergens such as dust mites, as well as residue from tobacco use and dirt. While vacuuming regularly helps to lift some of these particles, it’s not enough to remove them entirely. This is especially true if your carpet is older. Having a professional clean your carpets at least once a year helps remove built-up dirt as well as odours and allergens that a regular vacuum can’t.
In almost all cases, it will cost much less to have a piece cleaned than it will to have it fully reupholstered. We provide thorough cleaning services that can remove stains and odours from even older pieces. That said, occasionally reupholstering may be worth the extra money, such as in the case of the fabric being damaged rather than just dirty.
0434 781 933 - Brenden
0418 693 665 - Jai
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday-Sunday Closed
0434 781 933 - Brenden
0418 693 665 - Jai
Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday-Sunday Closed
If shop unattended, please call so we may assist you.